Adoption Awareness & Education

For most pregnant teens, it is not a decision of motherhood or adoption;  it’s a decision of life or death.  We live in a “quick fix” society… the easy answer for most women would seem to be to:  abort their baby & move on with their life… but in doing this, they don’t realize God already has a plan for their child.  Each one of us is a child of God & play a role in His Master Plan. 
I do not believe that all single mothers should choose adoption, I do believe that all women facing crisis pregnancies should be educated about their options & in turn,  can make better LIFE choices for them & their babies- whether its creating an adoption plan or mothering their child. 
With this being said, I want to share with you some AWESOME information I found published by the National Council For Adoption- the “Adoption Factbook”.

Women Who Choose Adoption:
 (Adoption Factbook V)
1.  Are more likely to finish school & obtain a higher level of education;
2.  Attain better employment, earning more than twice the per capita income & achieving greater financial stability;
3.  Are less likely to receive public assistance;
4.  Are more likely to marry in the future; and
5.  Report a high level of satisfaction with their decision to make an adoption plan

Children Who are Adopted:
(Adoption Factbook V)
1. Are less likely to have divorced parents;
2.  Are more likely to be raised by parents with college degrees;
3.  Score high on indicators of wellbeing such as school performance, friendships, volunteerism, optimism, self-esteem, social competency, feelings of support from others, and low levels of anxiety;
4.  Are less likely to have high risk behaviors such as alcohol use, depression, police trouble, driving/riding while drinking & not wearing a seat belt;
5.  Are as well integrated into their families & schools as children who are not adopted;
6.  And lastly, have a higher standard of health care, access to higher education & greater family stability.

We must change the image of Adoption in our society!  I would like to dare young mothers to be heroes. 
“Dare to be a Hero.  Be Courageous.  Be Bold.  Choose Life & Consider Adoption.”